You're Killing Independent George

She’s rich and she’s a big donor to politicians.

What if you’re not a healthcare professional?

Those are desktop hard drives, so they require an external power supply. Not exactly apples to apples.

Those are desktop hard drives, so they require an external power supply. Not exactly apples to apples.

This reply comes deep from within the financial advice machine. Firms and their advisors alike have been foaming at the mouth since this rule was announced because it generally prohibits them from receiving commission or any variable comp unless the client signs a de facto waiver which then opens up the advisor and

from my vantage point, even one would be more than all her peers combined.

You’re the idiot here, constantly moving the goal posts, posting a peer reviewed citation that doesn’t support your assertions, clearly displaying the inability to understand how evolution and breeding in masse works.

Drop whatever dumb shit fear mongering articles you’ve been readin, stop supporting peta, and finish

I get those goosebumps every time I watch this clip

Steve Bannon looks like Philip Seymour Hoffman - now.

I don’t know... I hear many people talk a lot of bull about GMOs, but I think there’s quite a bit at steak here.

Because people don’t understand the science, and have little to no understanding of what’s being actually done or what it all means. It’s the same reason people freaked out over bovine growth hormone (rBST), despite it being safe for both humans and cows, and actually extremely beneficial to the environment. Or why

Personally, I don’t understand the hysteria over GMO’s. It’s not like tweaking a gene or two is going to create some dangerous mutant hybrid that’s going to kill everyone. Honestly, there’s no difference than if the gene randomly mutated in the population. It’s not going to affect the safety of the food we eat.

No, just no! Keeping a constant temp while not in use is NOT more efficient thane letting it heat up/cool down and then running air-con/heat higher at a later time.

Yes there is. It’s a 3.0GPA. lol


Oh, I think a lot of them bought the fantasy that the factories—many of which closed 30-40 years ago—were magically going to start coming back. They’re not gonna come back to Ohio or Michigan or Wisconsin, though. Texas and the Carolinas, sure. Maybe even northeast Pennsylvania or the Virginia Piedmont. Not the Rust

I didn’t mention it on the previous post on the subject, but the building trades unions have trended conservative for many years.

Listen pal, the point of extra vetting people TO GET visas makes sense and is something the Obama administration was happy to implement. But kicking people out WHO ALREADY HAVE VISAS AND OR PERMANENT RESIDENTS IS ENTIRELY DIFFERENT, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT.

“I think that’s going to be very challenging. Does 3 Doors Down do comedy? I don’t know, maybe they do.”

I wonder if the birds are subject to carrion regulations?

If this travel ban had been in place, 9/11 would have still happened. Since the ringleader of the hijackers was an Egyptian national...