You're Killing Independent George

Obviously they hacked the cameras to hide the vast numbers of enthusiastic Trump supporters lining the streets.


The asshole to my asshole is fine by me (this needs work)

If you’re willing to be the back half of a moose, I’ve got a plan...

I’m probably the 65, 473 person to post this but...

I like your ‘ban alcohol’ post better, seemed like you committed more in that comment than this one. You gotta sell the horseshit in order to make people buy it. 4/10 wouldn’t read again. 

Looks like the Yankees weren’t the only ones who bought their rings.

Today seems to be a great day for people putting words into my mouth that I didn’t say and then telling me how I am wrong.

I think you’ve described their thinking very well. I also think, well, this:

That photo isn’t canon.

Love for a daughter and hatred for the Empire


Soon they’ll be in Africa, driven by a guy in a 2017 Packers NFC Champs T-Shirt and Hat.

“I tell ya, golf courses and cemeteries are the biggest wastes of the collective land of the peasants.” — Mao Czervik

My professional software engineer opinion on your statement:

Yes, we do not agree.

They may have corrected for this (I didn’t read the whole study), but if you’re just throwing a ton of statistical tests at a wall to see what sticks, you need to correct the P-value for the number of tests your performing. A P-value of 0.05 basically means that there’s a 5% chance that the observed result could be

I had an interesting experience at the LA march. Overall, the whole day was amazing and lovely. I felt invigorated by the crowd. Something did happen that stood out a little, though, and it relates to your thoughts:

“It’s almost like she was having a whole different life in her head than the one we knew about.”

So I guess this is the place to talk about this: