You're Killing Independent George

I mean, he has a point. In this shot it does look pretty crowded.


fart every time you leave your desk.

Conner. His name is Conner.

He also invited Williams to stay at his house

He cut it off at the shoulders because young Rovell is ROCK HARD in that picture.


And yet no schools seem interested in his stepbrother, Meander Couchpotato.

Oh, did they take a break from “Hitler Escaped to Argentina, Part 757"?

That’s a bit of a misleading graph, because Firefox’s decline happened a few years earlier. Firefox peaked in late 2009-early 2010, and has dramatically declined since then. Chrome has basically grown at the expense of both Firefox and IE.

Or at work, where often you’re not allowed to install extra software able to use other browsers due to shitty internal systems that were built around Active X

nothing wrong with having one’s package peed on. be glad you get it for free and don’t have to rent out some Russian hookers.

Sadly its rare to not be excessively bullshitted during the interview process. Most companies pride themselves in making up crap and then being suprised that you wont gleefully accept their 40% below what you should be making offer.

I found that ignoring HR works well for this. MY current job I asked for $XXXXXX and

Not really, if there’s less jobs in the industry, the ‘little’ guy will just find work somewhere else. Industries have to expand and shrink as needed.

You can’t force all jobs to stay relevant. Lots of jobs/industries don’t exist anymore or are in decline. People adapt.

Then why bitch about paying the money? I mean, you even elected to pay for 3D and Fandango convenience fees.

I was one of those assholes for a long time. I did day to day work in the film industry at the below-the-line level. I made a middle class income.

All that money being stolen by piracy wouldn’t have gone to me anyway, and piracy never - not once - affected my ability to get work. I never had a show that got taken off

But the little guy is going to get paid the same regardless of if the movie is financially successful or not. If a film being less profitable means that studios are more careful about what they fund and with what kind of budget, I’m ok with that. Maybe they should make fewer, higher quality content, instead of

Jeebus, how big is your family?

Why not? We in the UK view loads of US shows, by paying a license fee to view shows the BBC or Sky or Channel 4 buy. BBC can sell shows in the same manner. And they make lots of good shows which people will happily watch for money, if there is a mechanism for doing so. I don’t think Renard’s suggesting he should