You're Killing Independent George

Your gonna sit there at your MacBook Air and question an elite program you’ve never had you’re hands in the dirt I bet you dont know what it takes to make the pack 12 champs

My idea for a superbowl halftime show: James Earl Jones, Morgan Freeman, Christopher Walken, and Dame Judy Dench all give dramatic readings of what five year olds say they want for dinner and why.   

Sounds more like her not cooking it properly was the problem.

None of what happened there had to do with the properties of a warming drawer.

Huh? Your story makes no sense. I don’t claim to be an expert, but I’m pretty sure you could soak a turkey in a vat of salmonella overnight, then cook it, and it would be safe to eat. (as far as the salmonella is concerned, anyways). Killing bacteria is at least half the point of cooking meat. (And is why many

Do you mean that she thought that putting it on the low heat was cooking it? Or that she cooked it after putting it in that thing overnight?

The average man has 3000 square inches of body surface area, and you think reducing the sweat on 20 square inches of it has some sort of dramatic effect on the body? That’s some terrible logic.

I never used to use deodorant and shower daily, and I can tell you that my un deodorized pits stunk like death. I’m normally big on going the other way (I haven’t shampooed my not greasy at all hair in about four years, and I don’t moisturize or use lotion), but deodorant is pretty essential. Especially if you have to

But you shower and I assume rub chemicals all over yourself to clean so your Foodbabe level of “chemicals are bad! science is scary!” is not good enough.

Reporter: Can you describe how you felt when you were offered the scholarship and then when they rescinded it just two weeks before signing day?

So, can we expect something like The Concourse to be its own thing anytime soon? Maybe a dedicated society and politics blog? I’m only asking because it seems like it’s a subject that warrants some kind of focus.

Could you describe the idea you were going for by posting that video? There is no fucking WAY my finger’s anywhere near that play button.

I agree about the gas flush. You can see from the product image that the edges of the pit hole are rounded over. This is no doubt due to the vacuum pressure pulling the film into the pit hole.

Chris Christie has the is a saddest balls.

It sure does. But vacuum sealing them could extend it. Then consider also that packaging them in nice semi-rigid boxes also reduces impact during shipping and now you’ve reduced potential damage. And packaging them with the insides exposed also removes any doubts as to whether you’re purchasing damaged goods. I could

higher margins too, id wager.

Maybe it wasn’t a prepared speech and he was just winging some coach-speak to try and get his team focused? It’s either that or he doesn’t know how days work. I can see the quandary here.

We live in a society that uses housing as investments instead of places to live in.

Because there are standards in place for safety and building codes and storage units are not made to have people living in them like this from a fire hazard standpoint at least. And there’s no plumbing of any kind so anyone living there has to use the next door gas station for bathroom breaks and showering? And he