You're Killing Independent George

I was thinking bunghole adjacent.

You mean “stealing quarters out of the neighbors’ laundry machines”? Because that’s the closest thing to a paying job I foresee in the next many years.

used to be you’d go to the dang game as scheduled and die there from exposure and become an ice ghost and get into all sorts of cool adventures where you’d have to fight the Winter Wizard and get the Orb of Haarj to thaw the last thunderbird and ride it back to the waking world but i guess that time is over

Correction: Thundersnow does NOT refer to a combination of high winds and snow. Thundersnow is a term that refers to a ground level snowstorm with a warmer air layer above where a thunderstorm is taking place. Thunderstorms + Snowing = Thundersnow.

I’ve never talked to a single liberal or progressive that believes all that shit and also thinks porn is a “magical place where consent is always respected, coercion and abuse never happen, etc.”

Let’s also bring up the strawman argument that liberal attitudes towards sex work and pornography production automatically mean turning blind eye to professional and personal misconduct within that industry.

Ok, I’ll bite. I’m a sex-positive feminist, I enjoy porn and I support any woman who wants to earn a living as a porn actor. I also believe the industry and its products to be rife with misogyny and in need of further regulation to protect said women. I don’t expect the women who voluntarily work in porn to be okay

Maybe it needs to be force closed and re-opened. Try using Chrome. Don’t know many people using Firefox any longer.

I fixed this in my other post and totally forgot about this one. I meant 4-sided.

I fixed this in my other post and totally forgot about this one. I meant 4-sided.

My god, Hamill has not aged well...

Also, didn’t we also just before or right after the droids scene, see the re-cast red-haired lady and bobby from nypd blue (not good with the character names) talking about who he trusted for the mission? It’s not a stretch to think, he contacted Leia (whether she was on yavin iv or not), and she rounded up the droids

Look. Alex. That’s just urinalysis.

I think the biggest missed opportunity of the film was including Vader at other points. Can you imagine what it would have been like to have not seen Vader at all during the entire film, only to have the shot of the dark corridor, then the breathing, then the sabre ignites...

If hiring former campaign operatives that are still loyal to their old employers as political commentators makes an outlet “fake” then there are literally no real news outlets on TV,save maybe CSPAN and PBS. I won’t defend CNN’s decision to hire him, but it’s ridiculous to say that one hire cancels out all of the

They didn’t want to make too much of a splash.

alternate headline:

His secret service detail will drop every mustang owner as a potential threat

Wellington is great because, as a ranching town, it’s full of beef

Yea, this is a good point. Really the only thing that makes sense is for a wealthy country with a strong sporting infrastructure to host it every 4 years using facilities that are always in use. I’m thinking Germany, France, England, Japan, the US, etc. NYC lost the Olympics because they wouldn’t build a nonsense