You're Killing Independent George

If you don’t think Native folks have been giving Warren hell for that bullshit, you haven’t been paying attention.

I stumbled upon this one weird trick that Big Hacker doesn’t want you to know about:

Having fun every weekend in your 20s is way better than doing it in your 40s.

“How good is the feeling when you see someone in public (across the store, etc) and successfully navigate yourself out without making boring small talk?”

I’m not a proud man and I’ll admit to pretty drastic evasive maneuvers in some situations to avoid small talk. I have family I like and I’ll stop and talk to them for

Perhaps I should have re-worded that, ostensibly wouldn’t refer to the warming of the car per se, but to the minutiae of multiple other reasons people might give for leaving their car running. Presumably the legislation wasn’t written specifically with people warming up their cars in mind, but rather leaving it

Yeah, me too. It’s some middle aged lady finding out her great great great great uncle was Italian and she is like, “I always wondered why I liked spaghetti so much!”

engine takes more damage

Whether to do it or not is obviously up for debate, and there’s absolutely an argument to be made for not doing it, but it should be a personal choice. The idea of ticketing someone for leaving themselves open to crime is absurd.

I think this is exactly the kind of stuff that brings out animosity toward cops...sure it’s a law, sure maybe it’s not a good idea to leave your car running unattended. But for one, according to the article, it was in the dude’s own driveway. And two, I fucking see in my home town (with bad reputation for violence,

I didn’t either, that’s what prompted my initial response to TheBurnersMyDestination. Looks like we’ve been on the same page all along.

thats how it usually happens in my fanfic.

I swear you guys rip on me thirteen or fourteen more times, and I’m out of here.

Not sure if you’re aware of this but there is an active area of research that looks into complementary and integrative medicine to see if it has merits.

That doesn’t excuse you misrepresenting things saying they treat children with cancer using hypnosis.

Except that isn’t how they use their integrative medicine. It says right there on the page that it is to, “complement to the care they are already receiving to treat chronic illness.”

As far as the Montana/Brady/Rogers family of quarterbacks goes, one thing we can all agree on is Rogers probably doesn’t speak with the other two.

In OBJ’s defense, the grounds crew member kept telling him that he’s “not just a member of the grounds crew, he’s also a part owner of the team”.

FWIW, Wisconsin may have been ahead of the curve in hitting new lows in its elected leaders, but the rest of the country seems to have caught up.

I would star your comment, but I also live in WI and this makes me sad.

I’m sure the kid has already experienced a lot of misery from living most of his life in a state governed by Scott Walker.