You're Killing Independent George

there are different uses of the word clap that aren’t simply clapping your hands

if a crack addict says “keep the crack away, I can’t resist it”, would you say that addict is blaming the crack for their problem?

All year I kept telling people Procello sucks and I didn’t understand how he finished the entire season with those numbers, I will never forget the Porcello I saw pitching in Detroit. I think he is pitching like Rick Porcello is capable of this year, just with some added bad luck on BABIP. He is not really a #1

well Pavano wasn’t a Redsox player ever buy Youkilis was certainly another bad yankees signing.

For $9, I don’t think anyone was buying the machete because they need the machete or because there aren’t better tools available to any particular job, but because it’s a freaking machete for $9. Your $30 camp saw is not impressive.

For $9, I don’t think anyone was buying the machete because they need the machete or because there aren’t better

Carl Pavano was pretty bad too, hard to say.

It finds the home only when i have the dock in the middle of my kitchen. That being said, it was the best $150 I spent this year as someone who would go weeks between much needed vacuuming.

It finds the home only when i have the dock in the middle of my kitchen. That being said, it was the best $150 I

PAHs are released anytime you burn something organic too, is the level much higher when working with bitumen that makes this group at a higher risk than anyone using fire?

Well, many supplements do have active pharmacological agents in them which is no different than a medicine. The label you describe is for marketing, they cannot be marketed as a treatment for a specific condition even if they contain the same active ingredient as a pharmaceutical used for treating that condition.

Linus Pauling was not a quack. The only person to ever win two Nobel prices in different fields. His opinion on supplements does not invalidate any of his prior contributions.

Do you have any data or studies to back up your claim that takin statins for people with normal cholesterol provides any benefit to life expectancy?

I understand the two pieces of data this study correlated....I am asking what we can use this information for?

Since they manufacture their own product

I always thought it made everything look like a Soap Opera, is that the same setting?

How can we use the knowledge of usually being able to predict the egg shape when we know the flying strength of a bird to our advantage? I just don’t see much value in this, it seems like they are making a big deal out of two coorelated variables without even a hypothesis as to what the cause would be.

race is genetic but treating people based on their race is a social construct

Since I got a phone with a USB C plug, I need adapters that are the opposite of what these do since most all devices still need micro usb for charging.

Since I got a phone with a USB C plug, I need adapters that are the opposite of what these do since most all devices

i dont get it

you release the ball mid air when you dunk

doesn’t matter where Rizzo is, catcher gave him a clear path to the plate