You're Killing Independent George

If dandelions are considered salad greens then I am definitley growing produce this year in my yard.

This has to be one of the most photogenic administrations of all time.

well played

absolutely had a clear path to the plate

MLB wouldn’t even pay for Scotter Gennet to get a new uniform number but now they have approved this?

As a twins fan, I really want to argue that we aren’t a shit team but I honestly can’t. All the peripherals indicate we should be playing below .500 baseball, the bullpen is an absolute nightmare, kyle gibson is not a MLB quality starting pitcher, and yet they are 20-9 on the road and I just don’t understand how they

I’m going with the Pawn definition:

Absolutely, she is just one of the many pawns.

But can we also replace President Trump with the photo of Chief Washakie? Are there rules against this?

I don’t solely blame Megyn Kelly for eroding the line between entertainment and journalism, but she sure is helping. 

The thought of a sober person showing up and telling two drunk humpers they are too torched to consent is a real buzzkill.

He’s 18 and the twins are expecting to compete in the next 2 years with their current young roster, his development doesn’t align with the team as well as the college aged player does.

considerable lead of almost 1,500 votes:

She’s a fugger, a female hugger.

this must be really hard on you

I have no idea what aspect of Comey’s comments that would have made trump feel vindicated?

Or we could see if he can just continue his nap for another 3.5 years

I do find it interesting observing the subtle differences of the comments sections on political articles across the different blogs, the foxtrot alpha comments can be pretty tough to read too. 

Here are your 6 stories, I think there are enough to fill your facetious and tongue in cheek quota as well.

Thank you, I texted my friend immediately, John McCain is clearly no longer fit for office, that was nuts.