You're Killing Independent George

WTF is wrong with McCain?

Has John McCain completely lost his mind?

Lol, you are my exact opposite. I have played the game since launch, and have not spent a single minute on the lore. I’m here for the gameplay.

Do they still do dollar dog and beer nights on Wednesdays? I miss going to those games when going to school in Oshkosh

It is not newsworthy for a legally blind person to see the color of your shirt.

The public is under the perception that he cannot see at all, not that he meets the definition of “legally blind”.

I don’t see how you could look at this post and be blind to the conspiracy of Wonders sight. Open your eyes and see the light, just like Stevie can.

I just finished EP 11 or 12.
I don’t regret watching it, but it has been less enjoyable than prior seasons. No Remy and Jackie has been a bummer and I have no idea where this Davis chick even came from.

but if you want the same specs as any particular MacBook, you have to pay roughly the same price.

You’re not wrong.

I can’t think of another TV show moment like this, something you both knew was coming and also didn’t see coming at the same time.

On a larger scale, the amount of stress that Americans are going through now, because of Trump—there is going to be an evolutionary consequence.

you’re always better off pretending to be related like the Ramones

Wilson’s sisters Annarchi and Liberty

“heat rises” doesn’t mean heat starts at the equator and moves to the poles, it means it goes up, like towards the sky

whatever the sox field is called now

and the Government can still force a company like Apple to unlock a phone should it choose to do so.

I know the text, the point I am making, which I understand you do not agree with, is that if the cops cannot convict me with the info at hand, and require me to participate in their investigation for a conviction, then I am incriminating myself whether I tell them my phone password or take them to the missing

You are complying with a lawful command much like submitting to fingerprinting or a blood test.

it’s basically a big bet on “I won’t suffer a devastating injury before my next contract”