You're Killing Independent George

Durant could get a max deal on the open market this off-season without issue, so there is no quid pro quo here. He is simply taking a pay cut. He isn’t going to make this money up in future salaries (Although if he wins a ring or two, he can certainly make the $ up elsewhere).

What’s the difference between self incrimination and providing access to cops so they can incriminate you?

Why? It’s the same as being compelled to open a safety deposit box, safe, or other locked, physical item. As the article states if the phone is proven to belong to you requiring it to be opened doesn’t count as testimony since it’s not adding facts to the case.

I’m just going off the word curse, it is not used for anything positive (similar to hex or witchery). If it was a positive change, it would be described as a spell, charm, or enchantment, or something along those lines.

Good post. I think it is important to expand what is considered for “inner beauty” (things like personality, intelligence, etc), but pretending that human beings have changed what they consider in terms of “outer beauty” for the sake of political correctness is disingenuous.

a curse (that only a princess can cure) transforms them into dwarfs

no more than any two old white dudes with long hair look alike

nah if you have nude photos of your patients and don’t invest in IT security to prevent a data breech, and then also decline a payout to the hackers (Who I am sure were happy to provide proof that they had the data) to ensure your patients privacy, I do not think of the company as a victim, I think of them as

Walking while pushing a wheeled object that weighs a non-zero amount

The patients are the victims and no one is blaming them.

 I would love a moss lawn if I could. 

Anyone struggling to keep a grass lawn green will absolutely not be able to grow a moss lawn, but they are very cool for certain areas with lots of moisture.

well if it’s going to cost 10x - 20x more it better damn well be easier to deal with

You might think so, but one has roots and is alive.

Where did it say 25 minutes?

Cosmetic market, definitely not the automotive market. 

This is the first one I actually watched. Do they always start with 15 minutes of the administration patting themseleves on the back about how profound their work is?

Apparently “you have weak hands” and “your sign contains a typo” are the pinnacle of insults for the Russians. .

so is going to an all you can eat crab leg buffet, but that doesn’t mean it counts as cardio

Mostly just the deadspin writers are reading his work for their own “content”