You're Killing Independent George

giving up and working anyway because people know I’m not at the beach so why would I not answer my emails?

Yes, thanks for repeating the part that makes no sense.

The Feral Hog birth rate in Texas is somewhere between a linear and an exponential Growth model.

I think from the Texas perspective, a dead hog rotting is still better than a living hog.

I think it is unlikely that there is increased risk for menstruating people vs non in regards to bear attacks.

I love the pitch fx charts but they are super easy to misinterpret!

This was the most exciting TV moment so far this year.

I am not convinced this is coordinated at all. It just seems there is a large amount of food in a concentrated area that brings the snakes together.

That ball is on the corner so you need to swing, don’t leave your fate up to the ump to call a borderline pitch in your favor.

you need new glasses

Thank you, I was wondering about this. I did not think being accused of a crime could possibly be a violoation of probation, but apparently the law is not logical.

I’m with you. What was his probation violation specifically? I have to assume being falsely accused of a crime that you are later found innocent of by jury is nothing something that is a violation of probation.

I really miss those Santana Buehrle duels. You got to watch two and a half hours of great pitching and Ozzie and Gardy were fun managers to get behind.

Is this what we call “Brian Williams-ing” oneself?

I disagree, you don’t get to flip your bat like that just because your name is Jose Bautista. Bautista got to flip his bat like that because he crushed a ball to the moon during a pivotal part of a big game.

You mean it shouldn’t be granted in time allotments like laser tag is?

Just ordered one, thanks! I trust fellow kinja reviews more than Amazon ratings.

Just ordered one, thanks! I trust fellow kinja reviews more than Amazon ratings.

Commentary regarding the ridiculousness of mayors flying on private jets flew right over your head there.

yes I’m aware when he was mayor

Do Mayors (even of New York) fly private jets exclusively?