You're Killing Independent George

Because he was going to be cut anyways.

can you show up around here more often when jokes go over my head?

astronauts actually make a killing on mileage reimbursement

I have no idea what part of my post caused you to write this response.

No one is chiding you for being a decent person.

My experience is that most of those people did know it was hurtful, and that’s exactly why they used it. Out of childish malice, not ignorance.

He is not saying that men use it in their 30s and 40s, he is saying that men that are currently between 30 and 40 were absolutely exposed to these words being used as insults at an earlier times in our lives.

Whether Pillar was at his breaking point or not, he wouldn’t have used that particular word if he weren’t comfortable with it.

WFT PEEBEE, I am trying to romance you and you are never in your damn bedroom!

WFT PEEBEE, I am trying to romance you and you are never in your damn bedroom!

Yeah I am a chemist and people will tell me that I must love it because I work in the science field.

I wake up each day asking these same questions. I find both shows insufferable, but then you realize millions of people watch this garbage.

Hmm, interesting, I have found the mobility to be a high point of the game, the dash and jet pack movement being so enjoyable to me that sometimes I will run across the entire planet instead of taking the rover. I’ve had pretty good success getting to high up places without incident. Even when you fall off, you just

Hmm, interesting, I have found the mobility to be a high point of the game, the dash and jet pack movement being so

You got it.

You got it.

Agreed about the pacing, the first day playing was frustrating. I want to shoot aliens, not run around on a poorly layed out ship talking to people.

Agreed about the pacing, the first day playing was frustrating. I want to shoot aliens, not run around on a poorly

Something about humanity needing to find new planets to colonize, and the planets they arrive at don’t turn out to be as habitable as they planned so you need to kill some aliens to access the old technology to reset the weather on some planets so people can live there.

Something about humanity needing to find new planets to colonize, and the planets they arrive at don’t turn out to

I agree, I’m not saying it was a good installment of the ME franchise, but I still enjoyed playing it much more than I thought I would after reading so much bad press initially.

I agree, I’m not saying it was a good installment of the ME franchise, but I still enjoyed playing it much more than

You do not need to interact with your companions at all if you don’t want to. They still come with you during combat though. There are only a few points in the story line where you specifically have to engage them, and none of those require you to romance that companion.

You do not need to interact with your companions at all if you don’t want to. They still come with you during combat

Firm disagree, I thought the combat was the best of all the Mass Effect games and the story was the worst of them all.

Firm disagree, I thought the combat was the best of all the Mass Effect games and the story was the worst of them

To each their own, Once I finally stopped following the story line in this game and just started exploring is when I really started enjoying it. Some people play games for the narrative, some for exploration, I suppose I am 100% in the latter group.

To each their own, Once I finally stopped following the story line in this game and just started exploring is when I