You're Killing Independent George

this game got a lot of negative press, but the gameplay is actually very good if you are OK with a lame storyline.

this game got a lot of negative press, but the gameplay is actually very good if you are OK with a lame storyline.

So why are animals not given the same level of importance as humans?

Were any email accounts actually compromised? It seems like it’s accounts on other sites (Dropbox, linkedIn etc) that are compromised that may happen to use your email address as the login ID. Of course if you use the same password for your email and that site, they could access your email account.

That’s how I am reading it too. My gmail account has a unique password (and two factor auth) not shared with any other accounts. Just because my email address is used for my LinkedIn login (but uses a different password), I don’t see how my email password could be compromised.

Can someone explain the I Been Pwned site?

Ronan bergman

Here is the problem.

Laws are what define rights and responsibilities. Legally you cannot be denied care, thus it’s a right with the responsibility to pay for the services.

So it is safe to say you also consider owning a motor boat to be a right?

If I ever got to talk to an MLB outfielder, my first question was going to be “Does the pitcher actually think pointing up in the air helps anyone?” after giving up a pop fly.

Not at all. You have the right to access health care in the US. However someone must still pay for the services rendered.

1-If this injury has anything to do with 2016 season, why did it only manifest after spring training and a month of the regular season?

A daughter gets pregnant because she’s only ever had abstinence only education and Tim Allen forces her to carry it to term but doesn’t contribute to the upbringing of the child?

I bet if they actually answered questions, it wouldn’t be contentious in the first place.

No kidding! He just keeps not answering a single question and saying “The information the president shared was wholy appropriate” which is obviously not the case as he later said this compromised security.

I was very close to posting “Is this an anchorman 2 quote that I don’t remember?”

96% of a 40% approval rating doesn’t concern me.

This is news because someone was shot on live TV.

quit being irrational, all he did was throw a pie

Pretty much any system that isn’t “your” money in “your” account is some kind of Ponzi scheme. If it requires people to pay in after you for you to continue getting paid, it’s a basically a Ponzi scheme of a different color.