You're Killing Independent George

I’m really confused. Here is the Amazon page about add-on items which does not explain anything..

I’m really confused. Here is the Amazon page about add-on items which does not explain anything..

Can anyon explain how to do the $4 bacon plate thing? What is an add-on item only? How do I get that price?

Can anyon explain how to do the $4 bacon plate thing? What is an add-on item only? How do I get that price?

you gotta use the code in the checkout to get the kinja price

you gotta use the code in the checkout to get the kinja price

any comment that gives props to joe rogan (and also besmirches baseballs status as “sport”) receives no stars

Yeah, first lady - OK no one should date their boss/direct report, but if she stayed in the relationship 8 months after quitting, it seems like this is a little bit long if she was being coerced so strongly to continue the relationship.

Pete rose bet against his team

You think Lebron james is throwing a game for $250k? Get real.

I have absolutely no idea what we are supposed to learn from the breast cancer/twitter thing.

I assume a search warrant happened

because the government isn’t allowed to break the 4th amendment in order to convict someone

“Today’s content consumers are content to consume content in differing formats”

Is this article going to show up on Jezebel’s shade court between foster (and his views on having thumbs) add jpp?

I think you are missing a third part to this analogy, the bank (the govt) requires you to maintain continuous home-owner insurance (DACA status) or they will revoke your mortgage (right to be here without being deported).

aww yeah, that’s the good stuff. I used to stock that when I worked in the farm department in college.

I hope your customer was at least buying something fun, like marshmallow fluff.

You typed out a lot of words but you could have saved a lot of time by just saying “I’m a jerk” and leave it at that.

You can both acknowledge his advantage over wrestling other girls not on T, and also not place any blame on him. These aren’t exclusive thoughts.

possessing nuggets described as good shit is my forte

holy shit, I just assumed this article was her changing her name to some vanilla boring name just so she could move on from this, I am surprised she is actually doubling down since we all know she has no chips at all.

Yes, I should have asked if you meant you took it 7 days a week, or just as needed, before posting my initial comment, Cheers.