You're Killing Independent George

I am not comparing the library to pirate bay, I fully support and use my local library.

I’m reasonably sure that video piracy has played a part in more shitty television and film scripts getting greenlit. Particularly sequels that no one asked for.

some people are capable of being poor and also caring about equality, simultaneously.

I am on your side but you are not making salient points.

And this is the problem right here. Just because content no longer has a physical form, doesn’t mean it doesn’t have value.

you are extremely naive if this actually surprises you


 Why would a movie studio release a movie for home viewing at the same price as a theater?

Shows get cancelled and created all the time, it’s an endless cycle that doesn’t appear to have been impacted by pirating over the last 10 years.

Now playing

I’m in sales / rule 1 is “take the money.”

is someone who is watching a free library copy of a movie any more likely to pay real money for that movie than someone watching a free pirated version of the movie? I would guess not.

how is that any different from pirating? Somewhere in the chain of pirating, someone has paid for HBO or has purchased the DVDs.

yeah just about everyone liked the bucks logo change a year or two back. There will always be people that don’t like them just so that side is represented.

apple has done a great job to get their customers thinking they get intangibles with a MBP that aren’t on a windows laptop.

$200,000 to retrieve a password. How is that not extortion especially since he seemed to have wiped out his laptop before returning it. I doubt he was suppose to do so. I also doubt he was suppose to make the google account a personal one given it was for the school. Widtholding the account was just part of the

this is more extortion than blackmail, no?

Well maybe I don’t represent the gold standard here, but I get mine dry cleaned like twice a year and wear them 7-8 times in between. As long as you wear an undershirt and don’t spill coffee all over them, it has worked out fine for me.

Anti-persperant is bad because it fucks with your body’s natural waste-excretion process, and deodorant is basically just rubbing chemicals on your pits to cover up the smell.

So if it was up to us we would totally play!

People are not homeless because of building codes.