You're Killing Independent George

Personally, I doubt it’s packaged like that, those O2 free rooms are extremely dangerous and expensive to operate, and nitrogen vacuum sealers are pretty common in the food industry, but I also am just guessing as I do not run a plant either.

I do agree that the word parthenogenesis should have been used here, but what part of the article are you reading that makes you think the author didn’t understand what they were writing on?

but that would make sense Darigaaz. We are talking about highly unnecessary ways to package avacados. Stay with us please.

I’m willing to bet they already are doing a CO2 or N2 flush, I just think it would be hard to do a proper flush and vacuum seal it with a big open area where the pit used to be.

But why?

well it doesn’t really matter if you personally think this will be profitable.

nearly any for-profit company will eschew sustainability in the name of padding their bottom line

if you vacuum seal it in egg shape without the bit, there would be air where the pit used to be which would cause it to go super brown by the time it gets to market.

I disagree (and miss Jon Steward dearly)

given the article mentions her being in communication with Mateen as it was happening, it wouldn’t have been logistically difficult for her to report this at all

Tomlin isn’t not bitching, these comments weren’t even supposed to be heard by the public.

They rushed 3 with a spy on Rodgers.

The big tight end’s temper boiled over late in the third quarter, when he allowed himself to be baited into a personal foul by Ross Cockrell. The Steelers corner gave Kelce a light shove on the back at the end of a play, and Kelce responded like this:

you aren’t following what tomlin is talking about.

the steelers could have been the #1 seed in the AFC and it still wouldn’t have guaranteed they played on Saturday. Homefield is different than playing on a saturday.

it’s a pep talk (IE the audience is his team, not us, don’t analyze this like he was giving a press conferance), it’s more likely he is trying to rile up his team with this info rather than he is legitimately angry about the game getting moved. It is just trying to use that as an additional way to motivate his team.

home field advantage doesn’t mean you are guaranteed a saturday playoff game, IDK what you are talking about

what’s your point? If the steelers played at their original time, they are likely on a flight and home at 7 or 8 at night vs 4 in the morning. The game got moved back, so instead of the patriots having one additional day, they have a day and a half extra. it’s pretty straightforward. The fact that they would have had