You're Killing Independent George

I know RFID has come way down in cost, but is it possible to put chips on every $0.40 yogurt container? Wouldn’t the cost to apply the RFID chips cancel out the savings from not having a cashier?

Not everyone goes through their receipt with a fine toothed comb looking for $0.42 billing erros whether they pay cash, card, or fancy schmancy new amazon checkout-less grocery store.

They don’t sell your personal info now, I’m not sure why opening a grocery store would change that....

Counterpoint: I prefer to use self-checkout and working as a grocery store cashier was the worst job I ever held.

Prince guitair-shaming Tom Petty is the highlight form this already sublime performance.

do you actually get lower miles per gallon from that station, or is this just your gut?

whoa, mind blown.

the empire refers to it as the death star multiple times

It was Racine.

yeah this is not going to produce 1000 units unless they are absolute POS places which I doubt will go up in San Fan.

The United States has yet to name a road for Steve Jobs, unless you count Petty Bastard Who Was Cruel To Almost Everybody And Died Of A Largely Treatable Illness Because He Was Stubborn Boulevard.

Who cares?

Yeah we have the right to bear arms too but that doesn’t mean there aren’t also restrictions on owning a gun in a similar capacity to restrictions on who is allowed to drive.

Now, I assume that there’s a waterfall grotto?

Tampa is around half as big as Milwaukee which is not a big market either.

Check the picutre.

As a vikings fan, I must say your headline is about 5 weeks late.

if you’re talking about the throw to laquon treadwell, that was not on Bradford at all.

good info in this post and +1 for the weather dildo.

You need to get an SSD if your transfer rates are that slow and you are doing it so often. Not sure how much storage you need but you can find 1TB SSD for pretty close to $200 these days, I picked up a 525gb for $100 this week.