You're Killing Independent George

You keep posting that what he said was inaccurate all over this thread without a single reference or link or anything to back it up. Those would be good things if you want to be taken seriously.

I’m so confused, does Bernie have two twitter accounts? @SenSanders and @BernieSanders are both verified. Help a noob twitter.

I’m all for this ban unless MLB players turn to vaping.

Have you heard any of the things comming out of Curt Schillings mouth? I am pretty sure that is cancer.

how hard is it to check the IP address? What did they even do for the so-called first investigation?

None of your comments read as being supportive of Farrakhan but it sure seemed like most of the hive mind replying sure felt that way.

This guy is obviously a tool with the quotes included here.

This interview is so similar to the 2002 conversation Steward had with Coulter, times changes but republicans don’t.

To each his own, I read it and never been so unhappy.

I am probably in the minority here, but I have honestly never considered how new/nice a stadium is when considering attending a live sporting event.

You said “2. The correlation is spurious”.

Your hypothetical is bad.

Euro boys (Kraftwerk) were a huge influence on Knuckles and you can certainly hear it in the music. I don’t think acknowledging this in anyway takes away from the excellent and creative musicians in Chicago at all, but I understand why people would think this.

anyone know what fabric the Fila mens coat is? Is it a loud material that makes noise when rubbing together like it looks?

anyone know what fabric the Fila mens coat is? Is it a loud material that makes noise when rubbing together like it

2. The correlation is spurious (there’s really no relationship between rushing & winning, and any “correlation” is just pure chance)

how the hell is this any different than when Jon Steward had Bill O’Reily on countless times, or any of the other numerous rightwing nuts he always interviewed and made look stupid?

I’ve not been a huge fan of Noah since he took over, but bringing in right wing nuts for interviews to make them look dumb is the bread and butter of the Daily Show.

I wonder if he would take it so easily if he wasn’t scooping everyone just about every time there is big baseball news. That guy has connections.

The causation Pagano mentions is just backwards, wining the game causes you to run the ball more than your opponent, not the the other way around. It’s definitely an issue with correlation vs causation