Michael Michaelson

Oh, so I should just assume that people are incapable of distancing themselves from their own lives and experiences and putting things into a broader perspective? I had been giving them too much credit I guess.

Whatever, just don't pretend you're engaging in level-headed media criticism when you're being unabashedly political, is all I'm saying.

Poor story telling? Cheap? Perhaps, but the level of scrutiny being displayed here seems disproportionate, and is due mainly to the over-politicization of rape.

I very much enjoy thinking about this stuff. However, the most interesting facet of it is the question of why so many people get upset over depictions of rape as opposed to other, and in my opinion far worse atrocities (that are depicted far more explicitly in nearly every episode). It reflects a sort of obsessiveness

I didn't say turn your brain off, just your insufferable drive toward moral outrage. If depictions of rape in Game of Thrones disturb you more than, say, someone being burned at the stake, then there is something wrong with you.

I didn't say people didn't think there was something wrong with it, only that there is in fact nothing wrong with it. If you take objection to depicting rape for "titillation purposes", but not murder, torture, eye gouging, etc., then you're just being an obnoxious and hypocritical feminist…and that's being generous.

Of course it was for reason A, and there is nothing wrong with that.

No, he was asking you to back up your claim that the notion that rape and marrying children in medieval times was common, is unfounded. You'll always be able to pull up articles written by revisionist postmodern leftists with too much emotional investment in history. At the end of the day its all about sensitivity and

This reeks of the obnoxious kind of feminism. Fucked up things happen in Game of Thrones…fucked up things of nearly every conceivable variety. Why are there so many articles that focus on rape? I can't be the only one here who has realized that the narrative of Game of Thrones has nothing to do with redemption. This