
By the internal logic of Rowling’s oeuvre, the magical beasts named are the ones local to the school. It makes perfect sense that North American magical beasts were named by the Native American people, and the school names the groups after them. By your logic, the school, since it is not a Native American institution,

Of course insitutionalized racism is horrible, and it’s a milestone for humanity that it was finally (at least in legal terms!) abolished. Not sure why you brought it up, to be honest.

I am simply trying to get the point across that if “cultural appropriation” would be constantly policed and enforced, the way certain

You realize that’s how culture works, right? It spreads and spreads. It’s not something that can or should be controlled and governed.

BTW, only a quarter native american and im not offended. I highlyyyyyyyy doubt my grandfather would be if he were alive. I am however slightly offended that someone (the author) thinks they can appropriate the culture in a way that they are faux-offended. Its ridiculous....

The Wonder Woman movie is already being filmed or filmed. It’s supposedly a WWI period piece.

We enjoyed the movie for what it was. It certainly had issues, but we had fun watching it and will see it again. I also wanted to add, the post apocalyptic dictator superman looks like the injustice universe and was very enjoyable to see on screen.