Incredulous Bystander

Terminating someone for workplace violence isn't "acting righteous"; it's obeying the law, and most moral standards. Clarkson could skate by making a few dodgy comments here and there, gaining notoriety and, yes, probably more money for the BBC in the long run, but no one was physically harmed by his words and he

Cultivating an asshole persona is one thing; bystanders actually being victimised and injured as a result of it is another. I find it perfectly believable that Clarkson would be egotistical and bad-tempered enough to hit someone over something as trivial as hot food — it's not as though he doesn't already have a track

"In fact, you might even notice that, unlike virtually everyone else on
the internet and this site, I use my real name . I invite you to do the
same Col. Unless you have something to hide?"