
There’s only one problem: none of the climate fanatics’ predictions have come true.

Since the waters aren’t rising like the climate fanatics predicted, they have to make up reasons to explain it away so their worldview stays intact.

Yeah, the day whites obnoxiously get in peoples’ faces with “White Lives Matter” signs is the day you can say black-on-black murder has nothing to do with what you’re talking about.


Wroooooong. CO2 is an airborne fertilizer for plants. The more they get, the faster they grow and the more abundant their harvest.

Grossly excessive? During the age of the dinosaurs the CO2 levels were in the several thousand parts-per-million. Contrast that with the paltry 400ppm alarmists are freaking out about today. 

Actually, the global warming alarmists here routinely call CO2 a pollutant.

Hardy har. Great mischaracterization. This is why the Democratic party has been decimated. No intelligent conversation. Only demonization of people who disagree with you.

Plants turn the CO2 into oxygen. Without CO2, people would be dead along with the plants.

Good God! What is that caterwauling?!?!

This entire article can be summed up with the following:

Ohmygosh! You mean to tell me someone is asserting that the unquestionable science on man-made global warming isn’t settled, because science is rarely settled, because nothing in science is so sacrosanct that it can’t be questioned, because that’s what makes it science instead of religion, which means it’s still open

Musk didn’t “lose his shit”. Fucking clickbait.

Fuck this Commie bastard.

Number of seconds since Hillary’s last lie:

More objectifying of sexy nerds. Yes, please!

Uuuhhhh, but Trayvon Martin DID deserve to be shot. He was pounding a man’s skull into the pavement.