
Haha! Only 80 hours. I've sunk in at least 100, maybe 200. That's not meant to be a brag. Not only have I had a ridiculous amount of fun with the first game is solo and with friends, but this game single handedly recruited 7 of my family members into it through my introduction.

All these expansions on the multiplayer are awesome. I feel like I'm asking too much when I say I can't wait for a more dedicated Mass Effect multiplayer experience. Yes, ME3 multiplayer is getting a lot of MP attention from Bioware (thank you again!) but the main focus was still on the single player.

Sliders can still support button pressing. It might even have been more comfortable to click sliders.

I honestly wanted the sliders to stay. On the 3DS it's not that comfortable because it's so small. I figured a bigger version would work well. I'm hoping that Nintendo got a lot of feedback from people actually using it.

Yeah, there is a lot of jargon involved. The plot has been all over the place and has only recently been pulling itself together. The first game and the prequel definitely work for new comers. Playing the prequel first actually helps make the first game make more sense.

That wasn't bananas the way I thought it would be. The slicing is amazing. I'm glad they kept that. It also looks like they will allow for some stealth gameplay on top of the the over-the-top action.

Really? This is "speculation"? Of course Sony is going to put it's cross-over brawler on both its major game systems. I can't believe it wasn't announced simultaneously with the PS3 version.

I like to think they wrote terribly on purpose. That way I can enjoy those lines guilt free.

There needs to be a philosophical change in understanding what a perfect score in reviews means. I never understood a perfect score as an indication of a perfect game. I always thought of a perfect score as the highest recommendation to buy and play a game.

DOA5 looking good in my opinion. They are keeping things fun with subtle expansions to the solid foundation, which is how it sound be done. They seem to be working in spectacle around it. While some of these set-pieces will be repeated to boredom, I can imagine they'll hide certain contextual events in a way that

It all sounds like a story of fate for most early game developers. When they couldn't get the jobs they wanted, they got they got the chance they deserved in games. Sometimes you jsut have to look at what opportunities life gives you. They may be the one you needed to pursue.

It would be harder for Microsoft because it doesn't have as long a legacy in gaming as Sony and Nintendo. They are still very new and aren't very exclusive oriented. "rbranyan3to" is correct that Microsoft could make a similar game themselves, it would rely mostly on third contracts for characters. XBLA is home to

I'm aware. If you double check my phrasing, I commented on Japanese homes having smaller HDTV screens, not having SD TVs. Japanese homes are notoriously smaller than western homes, so they gravitate toward smaller electronics.

I see what the Mr.Hamilton's point. I don't it's a good justification or the intended reason for the always online requirement. I also have mainly played RPGs of the single player-only variety. One can control themselves and choose not to reload saves, but I understand it's different than not having that option.

I'm not saying Either-Or. I'm fine with it start with Samus and Fox, and then Nintendo keeping it going. Let's have it all!

I'm all for a Star Fox+Metroid Team-up. With them both being set in outer space, it would be easy to bring the worlds together. They all just live in a different galaxy or what not.

Those buttons also make it a pain to wipe down the system without unplugging it. I understand the aesthetic value of the capacitive buttons, but function over fashion proves them to be the poorer choice.

I love how big that loot chest is. I'm already thinking about what I'll be storing in it. I'll be taking out the other merch and sorting it to various places. I can't wait to have it!

This is a tough subject with games because it deals with what people want from a game. Everyone looks for experiences in a different way and sometimes games aren't the way people want to get those experiences.

I can understand his sentiment that PS3 and Xbox 360 graphics are at a satisfactory point for him. There is just way more to next generation systems than graphics that require new hardware. He may not fully be acknowledging this.