
Hmm, what an odd problem. This kind of issue reaffirms that fake currencies aren't necessary. One of my few complaints with Xbox and Xbox Live.


Digital should be cheaper because the costs on printing is removed and distribution costs change (usually less in the long run).

I'm personally not a fan of gyroscope controls. However, my experience with the built-in 3DS mini-game Face Raiders gave me faith in its application for Augmented Reality games.

I agree that Streaming should be a part of the service. Like current streaming operations, the content should be free to watch via stream with mandatory ads in the stream. I don't like ads, but they keep it free so I'll trade. Alternatively, let users pay a small fee to remove ads from the stream, perhaps even

It's not like that doesn't happen already. This would just make the process of getting the material easier.

I'm not a supporter of either act. I think they both are over-stepping bounds because they businesses don't want to change their own policies.

I don't think SOPA applies to the features because it's not copying the game, just relaying video footage.

If the system had been more powerful, they would have designed the graphics around it, hence things like popping textures with higher color ranges would have been implemented.

Drawing another parallel to the video game industry, Anime companies should re-evaluate their overseas distribution with a new-age digital methods.

There's one of the features I want in the next generation of gaming consoles. We have universal system chat (cross-game chat, party chat, etc.), no it's time for universal video capture and universal spectator mode.

That's actually quite a pity. The graphics of LOZSS are amazing. However, the Wii's limitations hold back the style. It would look even better with more horsepower in the system.

That's what I'm saying. Each type of input offers something extra. Certain functions work better with different input types. Navigating a menu? Touchscreen. Fast paced combat? Buttons. Puzzle solving? Either-Or, even both!

Personally, I like the Digimon tv series better than Pokemon. At least up until Season 5. I haven't really watched it, but from the bits and pieces I've seen, it looks so much more cheesy than Season 1 or 2 at their worst.

If Sony starts marketing the Vita like a tablet device, and pushes developers to bring non-gaming as well as gaming applications to the Playstation Store, Vita has a chance to be a contemporary device.

I see no reason a person can't like whatever color or decorate themselves however they like. It will take a while for our culture to get past the stigmas, but as long as people don't do things to harm others, however they want to dress is fine.

No no, I'm not talking about it's merit as a video game system. I'm talking about the class of video game system.

The tastes of the public is what's frustrating. I don't think Call of Duty deserves the sales it does because I don't feel the series evolves in a significant way to warrant such success. It may be a great game in its own right. It's frustrating to see a such a repetitive series sell better than all of the more

Yep, it's a double standard life.

This list definitely shows off some of the most creative games that came out this year gameplay-wise.