
My high school life wasn't ideal either, but it got better each year as slowly grew into my own. The setting would be interesting and the premise is completely relateable to just about everyone who can, is, or has gone to high school.

The dialogue is going to be incredibly cheesy if the demo at E3 2011 was any indication. I'll probably bare it just for the soundtrack.

Most of FF13's music was great.

Hmm, so they've been giving Retro portions of work in their newer titles. After the Metroid Prime series, I'm fine with them taking on any Nintendo IP.

It will be interesting to see what they do with it. The teaser doesn't give away many details besides the basic premise and setting.

Definitely a nice touch. This year's show seemed much improved. They still have an issue with including celebrities who aren't really that big in video games for the show. Name recognition isn't the only standard for credibility. Relevance to the industry is far more important.

Dodge Roll! Yay!

Ok, it looks cool, but what is the unique aspect of the game? What am I getting there that I won't get in another game besides the Metal Gear veneer?

This is good news and probably play into the Wii U and 3DS online strategy going forward.

I'm not saying his move count changes his balance of power, but a balance of options (equally important).

On the part of Dante, that's a a design element that needs to be considered. Why should one character have so many more moves than other characters? There should be a balance in the amount of moves any one character can have.

My problem was with coupons just being another type of sale, which they are. I should be concerned with a different aspect.

I will answer the jump-off question, then answer article title.

Kind of nice. Still a disservice to casual players. Why should a casual fan only get a limited move set?

About that quote in the picture. It doesn't sound like he's acknowledging the discrepancy in game substance between phone and handheld. Granted, mobile phones are getting better and the game selection is improving. What hasn't happened yet it getting those small games past the arcadey phase. Most games on mobile

Nice. They are refining the character style without sacrificing their their resemblances. I'm looking forward to this and the inevitable Xtreme Beach Volleyball 3. I don't play the DOAXB games, I just watch them :)

Sales have expiration dates as well. They garner the same thinking in a consumer.

I have some small complaints with the constantly recalibrating of the controller, which can make things like flying, swimming, and aiming slightly awkward at times. The game usually corrects itself fast enough that I don't stay mad.

I'm a guy and I like when the women in my games (and real life) are graciously proportioned. That said, I don't like to be criticized for my taste. There are men who like their women (fictional and non) in different shapes than I do. Everyone's got a taste and as long as you aren't rude about it, I don't see the

Why is custom doll making illegal? Or is it selling custom made dolls that is illegal?