The Incredible Torch!

It triggered my laughter, that’s for sure.


let’s call it on purpose, here’s the synopsis:

More and more people are discovering that you can bleed your enemies to death with legal fees whether or not there’s actually merit to your case!

Oh, so you’re one of those? Then, you don’t need to be hear. You can tell your MRA bullshit trolling to the folks out in the parking lot.

Worse animation? My god, I can recall episodes of G.I. Joe and Transformers where frames were repeated, colors being inconsistent between frames, and many other examples of terrible, cheap animation. I think you’re smoking a bit too much of that nostalgia pipe.

Virtually everything she says makes me vomit.

Guess you were too busy spellchecking your post to notice that Louisiana’s governor asked him to postpone his visit for a few days while they tend to emergency stuff. Obama will visit on Tuesday. Best wishes with your job hunt.

You have the vapors, poor thing. Here, sit a spell on the fainting couch.

it’s a small thing, but i’m sure he’s going there to lend a hand.

Good luck on your effort to quit smoking. I was forced into it due to a lung condition that prevented me from even hitting a cigarette without violent coughing a few years ago and thus didn’t have the option of NOT quitting. I’ll also admit that I’m a pedantic asshole, so I accept my role in the exchange and no hard

You know what, Porx? This is the dumbest argument I’ve had on the internet in ages. It’s pedantic and just absolutely stupid. I took offense at being called a dip (which is strange as I enjoy a good dip, be it French onion or in a pool). But none of this matters. Fragment or whole bullet, it's a dumb thing to be mean

Mom and dad gotta get their life together. That lil’ nugget needs them

And it occurred to me after we finished this case that he had not met his baby — who was 30 days old — and that he was not going to get an opportunity to meet his baby anytime in the near future.”

Can we stop using “pussy” as a word to mean weak though? My vagina has birthed three god damn kids.

Dropping fucking n-bombs being unacceptable on multiple levels isn’t the truth being muzzled by the word police.