
I’d say it’s for any fan of a long-suffering team from a city that feels like people look down on it. Certainly as a Kansas Citian it took me back to the 2015 World Series in a pretty big way.

It’s not as if Roseanne is going into 10 minute pro-trump monologues in every episode. Her support of him was addressed briefly in the first episodes and that was that. Roseanne Barr may be batshit crazy, but I still like her and watch the show. People are in agreement that Tom Cruise and Scientology are also batshit

This show is conflicting me. Loved the original and was looking forward to the new season. But I am just not finding it very good. The only reason I will stick with it is because of the nostalgia for the original.

I wasn’t thrilled by Ben Daniel’s (a good actor generally) Pontius Pilate or Cooper’s Herod either. I think David Bowie could have encompassed Pilate’s introspection and aristocratic remove ( Taye Diggs might also have worked). As for requisite stunt casting, I could think of a number of performers — Jeff Goldblum,

Nah, Dr. Phil with the studio audience.

"I'm sure Veep has its fans, but I find that show insufferably crass and cynical during the hypercivil, hypercompetent Obama administration."

Firstly, I think dismissing Venture Bros and Bob's Burgers as just cartoons is pretty weak, especially when most here would agree that the funniest show of all time IS a cartoon (whose name escapes me…) In answer to your question though, I think 30 Rock's final season was fantastically funny. The finale episode alone

Her being pregnant makes it even more offensive. Do we really need another depiction of a pregnant woman as a complete loon?