
The entirety of the professional sports industry is to blame, though.

Are you working this Thanksgiving? Do you use gas refined from oil shale? Have you ever visited a National Park (most belonged to Native Americans before we moved them out), I can think of literally dozens of reasons we (Americans) wronged Native Americans and don’t bat an eye because it impacts something WE want

Chief Wahoo sucks. So do you.

Yea, Cubs fans are pure as the driven snow:

Fuck the fuck off buddy. Let’s cry about mascots and logos instead of real issues going on in the native american community smh. Look at me I’m standing up for something. grab a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up.

Meanwhile, the owner of the Cubs is a right-wing fascist. But you’re right, screw Indians fans.

You and your ilk can all go fuck yourselves. Chief Wahoo has to go, red face is wrong, I’m an Indians fan and I just want my team to win. Eat a dick.

Yes because an entire fan base must be evil Hitler worshippers because of an outdated mascot from a different time. You’re the definition of hypocrisy.

Agreed, but give it a rest for a day dude.

This is the nagging (sorry) problem I have with the drumbeat of “Believe Women”: yes, we need to get out of the habit of automatically disbelieving women who declare themselves to be the victim of rape, but at the same time we have a system of criminal justice that presumes innocence. I’d say that the presumption of