
SuperEyepatchWolf made a video about this, and I agree that if a story is told well no amount of spoilers can lessen the impact of it. That being said, it can seem rather obvious with some narratives that the creators really did want to surprise you, and so in that aspect spoiling a piece of media for someone could

Preach! You perfectly summed up how I have felt about every last knee jerk reaction on the internet about video games in the past couple years. From people bringing out the pitchforks over RE3make’s play time to declaring FF7 Remake dead before we even have another installment in our hands due to its ending, I’ve been

To be fair comparing KH and FFVII-R isn’t really apples to apples. KH didn’t have an entire story to go off of as a road map, and so there were large gaps in development of each game in the series. This also lead to the games being released on different consoles, requiring new graphics engines, battle systems, etc.

Since we obviously can’t state emphatically that one Final Fantasy game is objectively better than any other, as such things are subjective, I think it’s important to note a trend I’ve seen in what determines someone’s favorite Final Fantasy. Or, in other terms, what one regards as “the best”. It would seem the first

Since we obviously can’t state emphatically that one Final Fantasy game is objectively better than any other, as

Where is Tim? I’m surprised there isn’t any word from him about this game. Did it actually kill him as he expected it might? What aren’t you telling us Jason? I need answers!

I was definitely less than gentle, but that is one of my many character flaws. I have a hard time not engaging on every little thing, often with more anger than might be necessary. Awareness of negative behavior doesn’t excuse it, but I’ll admit that at times I can go too far and my message is lost among the weeds of

She didn’t say the viral nature of her “OK Boomer” Tik Tok had nothing to do with her attractiveness. She was attractive to people before that video, and remains so afterwards. None of her other Tik Toks got her this kind of attention, and so she was commenting on how one particular video she made skyrocketed in

Kojima doesn’t really strike me as the kind of guy who likes to smell his own farts, but rather he thinks they’re hilarious. He seems like the type of person who loves to just talk about anything and everything, and his games are his way of having a conversation with millions of people. Even if we never get to respond

This could be a good idea, but you also need to take in to consideration that a large majority of people worldwide don’t have access to stable, fast internet. If at all. There could be people who pre-ordered the game physically and yet have had to cancel their internet service due to financial strain caused by the

God you’re fucking entitled.