
I get the point of this...but aside from allowing us as the stop light to know how much longer we have to wait in traffic this won't actually help anything.

@Incoherent: I literally saw a family circus where the dad was building a tree house, and the punch line of the joke was that he wanted to go into it. I was so incredibly angry after reading that...

Why is it all the best comics are those not in the newspaper, and all the ones in the newspaper are super lame like family circus...

Haha, I still have the same disc from 3 months ago!...but at least I use instant streaming at least 7 times a month if not more. That makes up for it.

"Daddy you broke your promise!"

What will getting the assholes fired accomplish? This is bad, but lets not let the TSA cop out of this situation by letting the hood rat employees jump on the grenade.

I hate mosaics where the pictures or pieces have been altered to fit the look...this fake and total junk! BOO!!!! A real mosaic is using only the pictures or pieces you have as you have them!

@Crrash: Ok, also I have a Wendys wrapper from lunch and it has some ketchup on it still. I don't think anyone has passed that as art yet. I'm selling it for 100 dollars.

Artist: Getting up for my day of doing art, I love my job! Now what shall I create today...*gets out of bed* Holy shit, this bed..its a masterpiece, it represents something with it's messy bed sheets, maybe ironic, I don't really know! But it's art!

Pretty sure the lady was getting ready for a rapin and a killin...the police officer did good in occupying her time until the would be rapees and killees got away. Medals in order!

I have a man crush on Ryan Reynolds, fuck it I said it. The dudes a badass.

Dear people who have their Xboxes overheat,

They have to make it difficult so people won't bother deleting their profiles so they can say they have 160 million members even though they probably only have 14 seventh graders left.

@OddManOut: Yeah like those flip things?

Strongly disagree with the SLR, maybe one dude in the audience, but hardly enough people for it to be like "OH LOOK WHAT LOTS OF OPEOPLE DO ENOUGH TO PUT ON THIS THING ON THE INTERNET!" I suspect the artist ran out of options...

@NorthernRoamer: Exactly, which is why they would hire a robot over Miley Cyrus any day :)

I am eating cheesecake, and I read the line about the weak stomach, and I was like "bullshit, Ill be okay" then I looked at the photos, and I was okay...

Nice, I can't wait til the future when robots begin to be more life like and actually take the jobs of actors..We'll see the likes of Lindsey Lohan, Hilary Duff, and Miley Cyrus picketing Disney.