
I hope their loves goes on forever and ever.. but am I the only one who doesn't see this being appreciated as much as it was intended to be? Its neato and funny and all..but maybe I'm a jerko, but I would just be confused if I was Katie. "Um thats great wolverine proposed to me in the video and all, but um..."

Um, whats the target audience for this phone exactly? People who want to use facebook, but for one reason or another cant use the slew of phones on the market already that allow facebook use?

NICE! I had 2 websites in my heyday of being a little 12-15 year old punk..I can't wait to look at them again and see my old work.

me buy, me buy now, me handover wallet you give me now

Hm, so the little cross webs you never touch anyways are now able to be pushed down, I'm so glad this changes the way you play the game and it is in no way the same what so ever! Glad this fixes the underlying issue the d-pad actually has, this is great.

*head splode*

@Ben Zvan: How is the blur perfectly circling the outlet..what lens was used? If that is a legit blur, I'm mighty impressed!

@Dabamasha: Well I guess thats cause I don't put my laptop in a

@McMike: I find this mildly amusing, 1 point for you.

I don't understand why there is understanding is, anything electronic in your pocket, be it a watch or a computer put on the conveyor belt. Metal stuff..put on the conveyor belt. Your shoes? Belt! Your belt? Place it on the belt.

Looks like fake blur added through photoshop, I immediately dislike this article.

The only thing that would have made that any better was if C3PO said "Whats hot DJ Roomba!?"

So it's a HTC Aria with a shiny painted back?

I use this daily at work now.

He speaks the truth! Just look at the best marketing strategies, tv shows, etc. They are usually based on other good ideas, or have design elements from something else.

Hopefully her life leads her down a path which makes her die of causes affecting her ability to continue living before it happens to me.

I never understand the secrecy with phone manufacturers.

500 at MOST! 1199? wtf....

Wow I am so glad that when you take away an outlet from somebody, they never look at creating another outlet for them to do their supressed actions! Prohibition works!