
I tried that with the end doesn't work as well as the pictures suggest, trust me.

I tried that with the end doesn't work as well as the pictures suggest, trust me.

@Incoherent: Also just for you "U BTROLLIN FUC#$ER!!" people out there, the above post is what is called a "joke" or some might call it "sarcasm".

People who are younger than me, who grow up in a different generation, and do not experience the same things as me are inferior to me. I am better than them.

I am not a guy who knows about weapon laws or anything, and excuse me if I am wrong..but I recall talking to someone who is a big gun fanatic (and I don't mean that in the crazy sense..just is passionate about them) and he was telling me about all the gun/weapon laws and what we are actually allowed to have.

@Buzz Mega: I feel they are pretty amazing personally. Yeah their locations are limited (Although as long as you don't live in bumble buck nowhere you're set).

I wish I didn't have stupid training for my new job right now! I would buy this right now!

This is a serious question I am pretty sure..

@wasting_company_time: I'm glad that what I posted was serious, and I was serious in every serious thing I said for you guys to take seriously.

@Timmy: And they all have sex with each other in the streets..

@bartleby451: Not trollin, actually it was a joke. How come any joke that is not cared for/understood is instantly "U B TROLIN!"

I guess I am a jerk racist because the second I heard it was 300 EUROS that was stolen, it almost seemed like something the guy should have expected to happen. Because in Europe everyone is just constantly stealing from each other in the streets, nothing productive gets done..that is how Europe's society is ran is

Because she probably likes Apple products, and she is an attention whore who thinks that because she is lady gaga (I purposely didn't capitalize her name fyi) she can just show up anywhere she pleases and people will let her because she is.... lady gaga.

Now playing

Also not sure why it reminded me of this, but I felt this was a good opportunity to watch a little WILD WACKY ACTION BIKE!

You can't put baseball cards in the spokes, and it also doesn't look very good for the soda can trick either...FAIL! Anyone who I see riding that bike i am going to punch them in the face

@Maave: I don't know who or what that is, but he has a Utah Jazz hat and jersey so I think he is just swell and dandy.

This reminds me of the Brave Little Toaster, except without a happy ending. DAMN YOU GHANA!

Rim: "We will ONLY do what is LEGALLY required locally, we will not let you get your paws on our servers!"

If only Sega put the time and dedication they put into Aarons desk, into their games, I might buy more Sega games again.

This excites me, only because I am imaging Steve Jobs in a huge empty office, shiny marble floor to ceiling, and as he is demanding the name iTV for iTV...his minions keep coming back in telling him it can't be done, can't..most in the Doc Brown voice from Back to the Future, when out of frustration, anger and