Because diesel is my favorite fuel....and muhh torque.
Because diesel is my favorite fuel....and muhh torque.
What if you’re two of those things, like I am, and hold the same belief.
I have no good memories passing through Will Rogers World Airport, except for when I was leaving Oklahoma after 5 long months of Basic Training and AIT at Ft. Sill. It’s a nice looking airport on the inside.
1989 when the R32 GT-R was released.
This guy definitely picked Providence to win, so my bracket is sitting quite nice right now with the exception of Baylor shitting the bed on me.
Man, if this was me 10 years ago in 6th grade reading this, I’d be somewhere about to beat my meat like a runaway slave. But, alas i actually get a decent amount of pussy now so that’s not gonna be the result this time.
I would love to buy one of these, drop it a few inches and put one of the many Nissan turbo motors in here. I’m thinking an SR20DET would fit quite nicely.
I quite like that subtle jab at Pakistan around 48 seconds into the video.
Do you live in the bottom of a salt marsh or something....Jesus, that rust is hurting me.
Steph Curry might secretly be an Avenger.
There’s a guy in my battalion that drives one of the 318is’s. I’ll see if he’ll let me grab a few pictures.
Ermmmm, Audi and Porsche both fall under Volkswagen Group though. So the check-writers probably overlap.
Damn, that sucks. I moved away Jan. of 2015 when I left for the Army, so luckily I don’t have to deal with that foolishness ever again.
If you think Texas gun laws are strict you need to come to Maryland and see what strict is.
incorrigible youths looking to get girls’ numbers by doing dorifto-donuts around their car
So, is Ku (区) the same idea as the Korean gu (구; 區)
I need a WRC version of this like yesterday...DO want!!!!!
Holy fishing rights, batman.
All it takes is a couple people to seriously looking into modding something like this at a reasonable level...and boom, your next affordable Japanese tuner car.
Fake Woodgrain on all CUVs