
My words are jacked up. When I say I dont know shit, what I mean is that even though I have all the -10 level shit down almost perfect, the fact that my job is a direct combat support job in that I call for artillery means that I can’t truly know how to do what I signed up for until it’s no longer simulators and field

I don’t want to fight now. In a few more months, when I am essentially no longer a new guy, then I will gladly go. As of now, I don’t think I’d perform near as well as I want to even though I’ve been in a year now.

3rd Brigade at“The Great Place”, thats funny even typing it out.

Yes, I’m combat arms. My MOS is 13F Fire Support Specialist.

Let’s not do this please. I juts want to sit in my barracks rooms and drink Crown Royal and not have to worry about possibly being deployed to the middle of the Islamic Republic anytime soon.

No. LMTV bad.

If money were no object, could I conceivably shoehorn one of the 2.0 Ecoboosts in this?

I heard that this platform will also be used for the next Dodge Charger. Is there any validity to this?

I’m Army and have beenout of high school since 2012, but the part about friends applies. Will take that into consideration.

Would an older Miata (say 07-10’MY) be a good first car. I’m currently primarily looking at the FR-S and WRX but wanted to throw some other vehicles in the mix. My only gripe with the Miata is that I’m not sure if a 6’2” 210lbs guy like me will actually fit in one even with the seat fully back.

I’m not really a Mustang kind of guy. Japanese tuner cars are sort of my thing. Then again I’ve haven’t driven the Ecoboost ‘Stang yet.

I’m about to pull the trigger on either an FR-S or a WRX and I desperately hope I don’t get that same sense of disappointment.

I think I just had an aneurysm.

Is this a thing that shows up at every game now.

lolwhut??? There's plenty of Tesla driving around where I live and I live on the opposite coast from California.

When is the next Le mans race. Dem Ferrari boys better watch out.

That bed looks rather...short.

I'm from Baltimore and I had to dispatch an idiot just like this on Reddit yesterday. Looks like i might have to go back at it again today.

I got 61-70% Jalop. I drive a 300TD

Was he ever convicted for the crime?