
Disqus as the commenting system should also be an option.

Audi can into flying.

Kinja is total horseshit...Start from the outlet to fix the problem. I'd even take Disqus over Kinja since you can sort through the shit a bit better. Same bullshit with the "you can make (x) number of dollars from home a week" spam that rushes to the top of half the articles on Gawker and Jalopnik.

I would most likely look for just the shell as there are plenty of good engines in shitty bodies here in the US. I could also get the whole thing for a bit more. Over in Japan a few cars can be found ditched by the roadside or up a mountain pass.

I could make a few calls rights now and have a slightly less than average one shipped to me from Japan for a few thousand. More than enough left to fix it up to nice condition.

I dont have a problem with him racing today. If I'd accidentally killed someone I'd feel bad for a little bit, but shit happens in life and I'd soon move past it....Race on, Tony Stewart.

Walking into the middle of a race, nice.

They make waterproof computers in China???

be still my beating heart....

In the top pic the shirt says "Loyals" instead of Royals. In Korean R and L are pretty close in vocalization and are represented by the same character, hence most non-natives pronounce r's as l's

Careful not to cut yourself on that edge.

+1 domestic violence charge.

saw this on Reddit yesterday morning. Instantly knew it was gonna be bitten off Reddit and wind up here.

just the tip???

yeah its got a HEMI.


Jalopniks, why you do this to me?

This looks like a digimon.

Dumb question but do small airplanes come with diesel engines at all?

I'm not sure how to word this, TL;DR at the bottom.