

Sounds like a ballplayer's name..(Baltimoron here)

Afghanistan - Was run by Taliban

There are some Putin shills who have been posting here in the last few days.


Last time a Canadian came and acted an ass, he set up residence and hasn't left since...Canadians, why you do this. You couldv'e at least sent some o with him.

But will it LS1

Nope, Chuck Testa.

It aint a fastback, though.

They should've done better in Afghanistan then.

I imagine the current Pope swagged out in Bermuda shorts and an Argentinian jersey when the Cup starts this summer.....Ditch the vestments for a day and party like it's 33 AD.

Might wanna get that title, playboy...You accidentlied a word

Sorry, I on my 3rd language and dont have time to grammer anymore.

you got me.....damn kinja wont let me edit though.

you got me.....damn kinja wont let me edit though.

you got me.....damn kinja wont let me edit though.

you got me.....damn kinja wont let me edit though.

"with tires that stick to the ground like glue/I dont want this to be over between me and you."