I had a lot of fun with it too. The co-op is great in it, especially when you setup a perfect ambush and you accidentally throw a grenade and everything goes to hell. Fun times!
I had a lot of fun with it too. The co-op is great in it, especially when you setup a perfect ambush and you accidentally throw a grenade and everything goes to hell. Fun times!
I’m in the same situation. I have maybe one person who wants to get Wildlands but I’ve been also burned by the Division. I’ll probably gamefly it and wait for it to drop down in price in 3 months as seems to be the norm for Ubisoft games. By the way, Xbone or PS4?
I do remember a lot of people having trouble with their PS3 lasers crapping out early. I still to this day regret throwing away my fat ps3 that was part of the metal gear solid 4 bundle. It was the last version to have backwards compatibility through software emulation and decided to toss it when it wouldn’t turn on…
I picked up the PS4 version of Ark, and while I like it, I can’t stand the UI. It’s so cluttered and it all feels too busy. Definitely wish they would space out the UI through several tabs but I know that’s not going to happen until they finish the damn game, which will probably take longer on consoles than PCs.
Jesus, SIX ps2's? man, that’s rough.
Yeah, I went through 5 xbox 360 consoles during the Red Ring of Death era. That really sucked.
I’ll be playing Ghost Recon: Wildlands beta all weekend to see if it’s worth a gamefly rental or not. Also I picked up Ark Survival but currently playing single player. I hate that things spoil in that game but I love the crafting. Really hate the UI.
I don’t blame you. Fallout 4 had some problems, mainly that it lost some of it’s quirky humor. The combat was better than 3 and new vegas but it also felt like it lost some of it’s charm and became a bit too serious. I liked the main quest but didn’t care for the factions since neither of them were likeable. Plus,…
I with you. I only really liked the Pianist from polanski and I fucking hate woody allen. But hell, Mel Gibson’s directing is rad, especially Apocalypto.
Thank you! I wasn’t a bad movie, it was just really boring. It essentially a jerk off letter to 80's spieldberg/close encounters. The ending was fucking stupid, the entire movie was cliche and it was just really fucking boring.
I did not know that about the 64, no wonder those games always looked so goddamn fuzzy. I really disliked the way N64 games looked, like an out of focus camera.
Is there any reason why the switch is being release without the general public knowing more about the system? I don’t pose this question as a knock to nintendo, I’m just curious as to why there’s been so little information.
I’ve noticed a trend with the most recently released games. They tend to drop in price after a few months from the release date, this is especially apparent with ubisoft games. Look at Final Fantasy 15, after a few months release, the game is $40. I wouldn’t doubt if this happens with FOR HONOR, it being $40 in a few…
I love puns.
My wife does the same. I’m usually ok with her method until she takes a bite of the marzipan one then I have her buy me a log of marzipan.
Seriously, fuck these people who bitch about heart shaped pizzas and all this special request bullshit on Valentine’s. They obviously never worked at a pizza place on Valentine’s because every motherfucker is ordering some variation of this on Valentine’s Day AND they want it in 30 mins. or less. Fuck all this shit to…
Tip for all you lego dimension fans out there. My wife has been finding quite a bit of the older fun packs at the 99 cent stores here in Southern California, specifically stores in Burbank and the valley. We picked up Bart, Gimli, bad cop and a few others. If you’re looking to unlock characters for their abilities,…