
I still like Ubisoft games but I’m now renting them from Gamefly before purchasing them, and even if I want to purchase them, I’m waiting until they’re at $35 (it’s become the norm with ubisoft games to have a dramatic price drop after several months). I will admit, I got caught up in the hype with the Division

I know how you feel. It really did get better with the updates but I’m sure you were one of the many that said, “too little, too late” and I don’t blame you. There really is no reason to keep going into the game once you get a good gear set that works well. The combat in that game is still really good but now I’m

The story really is confusing. I never knew what the hell was going on most of the time. Also, unless you spec to do more damage to demons, you were SOL for the last 1/3 of the game.

It got better but if you gave up on it, there was no point coming back. The end game isn’t great, you’re essentially rolling for your perfect set but yeah, not great.

My experience with Assassin Creed games always come down to the main character always moving way too slow for the sort of action/stealth game it is. IT’S LIKE WALKING IN WATER WITH MOLASSES!

I quite enjoyed the game but you’re right, the later gunfights is just a game of attrition. Especially in the catacombs.

The Witcher 3.

My dream VO game would be Claudia Black and Jennifer Hale voicing protagonist sisters being bad ass in either a space setting, fantasy setting or a space fantasy setting.

These little connections are pushing me to play the trilogy again. I really wish they would’ve remastered it. I’m really looking forward to Andromeda so much that I need to keep my hype in check.

Kirk! you forgot one thing.

Your wife should’ve rubbed his face in it like you do with a dog.

I really need to play the trilogy again.

After playing the pennumbra series, I realized that I’m not overtly fond of that “sense of dread because you just can’t fight back” feeling but I do like that they give you the option to fight back in this. I will agree with a lot of reviewers and say I don’t enjoy the boss fights because it reminds me too much of

You’re right, that pitch black entrance really bothered me, like seriously, where’s the sunlight? I didn’t even walk up to the main gate when I started. I walked to the side path and almost nope’d the fuck out when you first see Papa Baker casually walking by.

I’ve been playing with the living room light on and my oldest son asleep next to me on the couch. It gives me a sense of “Don’t worry, Dad is protecting you from these psycho people” confidence. Also, goddamn getting a shotgun feels so good in this game.

Thanks, looks like I’ll be going back into the house to get the broken shotgun.

I was uninterested in this but watch your video makes me want one now.

Is there a difference between repairing the broken shotgun and using it to get the working shotgun? Also, I have a broken handgun, how does that stack up against the normal handgun you find?

Really, Uzumaki is something you can never UNSEE, still, it’s an awesome horror manga and I love it to bits.

I’m with you, I hated GTA IV, I mean, LOATHED it. I was pretty wary of V when it released and after reading a few reviews and watching gameplay videos, I took the dive and gamefly’d it. It was fun but I hate any and all missions that are Trevor. Trevor is essentially what a Heath Ledger’s Joker fan created after