This! All year long, including leap years.
Trying way too hard
Ugly Mini-Vans are not cool. Ugly CUVs are not cool. Ugly SUVs are not cool. Ugly sedans are not cool. Ugly sports cars are not cool.
This! This! This!
Not a bad look
Finally some semblance of reason on jalopnik. It’s a Camry, drive it till the sun super novas and then drive it some more.
Looking, looking, looking................ All I see is a fine, well proportioned sedan with 301 HP.
Yes, yes it does.
The Honda.
Awesome response.
Why don't we get the good stuff here in the US? Someone tell me.......
I like how some equate massive trucks as aggressive, your label is absolutely brilliant!
I like it! Probably has an extra crease that could have been smoothed out, but otherwise it's definitely a nice looking package.