incognegro doesn’t recognize or It sees them both as somethingsomething. Weird and a massive oversight, but there it is. I get the same thing. I got invited to gmail in the wayback and have since gotten emails from psychiatrists about someone’s children, 401k

If this is real, someone needs to start one in San Francisco. They’re kicking us out of here left and right. Portland is an incredibly white city, but SF literally makes me feel uncomfortable lately.

I agree 100%. I moved here in 2006, and aside from literally 2 jobs where people were actually open-minded (and not from SF, BTW), I had to know someone. It’s a series of “Hmmm... I don’t know about that guy.” Even when I’ve clearly shipped more titles and launched more apps than any other applicant. The Marina-ites

San Francisco and the Bay is full of #s 2, 3, and 4. and 1. And 5-10.
