
There was a lot Sherlock was not on top of in this episode. The plane, for example. The plane was in the air for what can be guessed as hours and yet it didn't crash, despite everyone including the captain being dead. All that was experienced was a little mild turbulence. Both Sherlock and Mycroft should have been

Did you see that God awful CGI they used for the coffin's flying bits?

I thought that scene was part of the "gay baiting" the Tumblr fans were complaining about. Like they used the forgotten child as a shoe in to show dear John and dear William playing daddy to the orphan girl John always forgets about.

Wish I could be there.

It fits, dun-it? 😁

He actually did end up selling them out. Annalise was able to clean it up though. I want Connor to die because he's a pretentious, whiny little shit. It should have been him and Laurel who got murked.

Okay but what the fuck was that blob in the thumbnail?

I thought this episode was a vast improvement from the last three to five, so I don't have many complaints except to say that I hope both Connor and Laurel have vicious deaths by episode two of the next season. I'm am so tired of them. They're truly disgusting people. That isn't to say the rest of the cast (save Anna

Well then someone should replace him and rename the show.

Nice to read. Never really thought about the series this way, though glimpses of this article have crossed my mind over the years. I wish I could write something like this regarding the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Disney could have gone down such an amazing route with it and Johnny Depp, but… *sigh*

I wish there was a LAUGH button on A.V. Club, because I would click the hell out of this for the title alone. Kristen Stewart must have people in her circle still gassing up her "talent". Her only claim to fame was Robert Pattinson/the Twilight saga, and that awful 'Snow White' adaptation. Otherwise, no one cares

I will, thank you.

I remember when my mom used to turn his show on when I was little. We both loved watching his show. Seems like he is completely different and untrustworthy now. But maybe he always was, and we're all only just now seeing it?

This would be an agreeable point of view/opinion if he wasn't defending pedophilia. Bill Mahr, like many other men, are excusing women predating on young boys because they see it as a rite of passage and whatnot.

I can't believe Bill Mahr is the Liberal dude!bro I grew up watching, but at the same time I can. Hope his show is canceled, but it probably won't be.

They have done a beautiful job with this.

Congrats on the NAACP Award!

Don't hold your breath though..

I'm ready for Connor and Laurel to DIE. I hate both of their characters and the direction this show is seeming to head towards.

I am beginning to hate this franchise.