Thank you Jason for everything you’ve done and given us. You’ve been one of the reasons I’ve occasionally kept returning to Kotaku. I’m sad to see you leave, but glad to have been along for the ride.
Thank you Jason for everything you’ve done and given us. You’ve been one of the reasons I’ve occasionally kept returning to Kotaku. I’m sad to see you leave, but glad to have been along for the ride.
It’s posts like this that remind me what a third world country America really is. If only you Americans ever took the time to see yourself from the outside like the rest of the world does, you’d be ashamed.
I think it’s because this is a video game that is very open about being a video game and it only lets you do the things that you are supposed to do which is run through the hallway and burn/grenade/chainsaw/crucible/gun demons.
Is there a way to filter out all these SJW posts on Kotaku and affiliate sites? I come here for game news and articles not to be told repeatedly what a monster I am for being born a white male and how everything I do is the single most offensive and hurtfull thing to person X.
In other news: overly emotional nerds who are too attached to their fantasy game are shedding tears over literally nothing. No really I’ve been playing this game for more than 14 years and the way people are somehow “surprised and shocked” by recent developements is beyond ridiculous.
Sure the idea is nice, but that paint job is terrible. Thick splotchy paint, that looks like it’s just smeared on, uneven lines and worst of all there are still nubmarks all over the kit.
And why exactly are you even giving this any attention?
“Its characters are forgettable. Shadow of War technically has things like strong female characters and heroes of color, but the game does them a disservice by making the missions involving these characters rote and uninteresting. “
“n-word” do you mean nigger? A word that my black friends call eachother every 5 secconds because they literally don’t give a crap? Or the word nigger that you Americans have made to be the ultimate taaboo because you are obsessed with being as politically correct as possible?
Thank god, now let’s hope that bringing it back to it’s originally planned format will fix that horrible seccond half. I enjoyed Delta, but after episode 14 (the point where they suddenly decided to make this series 25 episodes instead of 14) the show really lost it’s charm. If they manage to improve the story as…
*Spoilers*: After finishing the main story, you’ll recieve a message from the Quarian ark. Turns out it might not be a distress signal, but a warning that something has gone horribly wrong on the Quarian ark.
The way it’s set up it looks like it’ll be either a major plot point in the sequel or will be the focus of a…
Death threats in 3...2...1...