Inciting Agent

Really? I thought sparklers were hotter.

No, because that’s not done for any other movie.

Is the main issue with the banner that you have to see them while passing by? Because they don’t advocate rape. They advocate sex. And this blog often has posts (…) which are designed for women to sexualize men and discuss all the things they’d like to do to an attractive man they

Just because he didn’t give specifics doesn’t mean he doesn’t have specifics. Of course, you are probably right, and he probably doesn’t. But you’d have to ask him for specifics first to see if his story checks out or doesn’t.

Wait! I was wrong...

Those poor Christians! The underrepresented majority. It’s not like six of the nine Supreme Court Justices, 91.8% of Congress, and the President of the United States are all Christian or something!

What is the point of this overlong article?

there are times when everyone truly is wrong and you’re the special snowflake who sees through all the static and is correct. this is not one of those times. it’s a short iron.

Seriously. Seemed like low hanging fruit to me, but 715 stars and counting. *shrug*

This is the absolutely perfect response (scientifically speaking) given your previous posts. The content is great, but the all-caps really pushed it over the top. Well done.

It’s not even funny so I’m assuming the latter

Nice, ironic self-deprecating humor, I love it. Very self-aware.

No, it’s real.

It is. nVidia uses Hairworks.

It’s a grift.