Is there a robot posting comments here (and elsewhere) that say “people are just sick of politicians”? What does that even mean? And how does it make it okay to support a total blowhard with no apparent interest in governing just because he’s “not PC.”
“And that’s probably true.” Best quote ever from a presidential candidate.
This just made me realize that his normal “speeches” actually have teleprompters. There’s just so much flying off the cuff, saying such inane random things, I assumed it was at best bullet points on that thing. But if his stuff is normally fully scripted, going through rounds of edits with different speech writers, my…
“You take forever to say nothing.”
I hear my... let’s call them opponents. Can I call them opponents? We’re allowed to do that, right?
I just recall that last time he claimed this, the actual number was around 4,000 vs 15/20,000 claimed.
I’m doing the prep thing for a colonoscopy tomorrow. Now I’m worried a Trump speech is going to come out of my ass.
How the hell does he even need a teleprompter? His whole stump speech is like
Because repeating that “im the best” and “it’s gonna be great” is so fucking hard to remember that someone doing it without a teleprompter is unfathomable. Donald, how do you get your head so far up your own ass? “ It’s so simple and I’m the best at it. And it’s gonna be great!” But Donald, my question is HOW, do you…
Given the current state of American politics, it has come down to this: The first candidate to say the word “fuck” in public wins. Sad, but pretty much what we are seeing now with this asshat.
He deserves so much respect for not using a teleprompter, like that socialist dictator, Obummer. eyeroll.
So we went to a stadium, we had 31 thousand people, which is by far the largest, they say, like, ever, for an early primary, and that’s probably true.
certain factions can’t get over the fact that our president has been able to think on his feet with or without teleprompters. to those who want a president who can’t think on his feet and spews shit instead of reasoned discourse and who can literally enrage other country leaders to the point of war...only because they…
He’s starting to worry me.
So many questions.