You think Mulholland Drive was when Lynch got weird? Have you not seen Blue Velvet?
You think Mulholland Drive was when Lynch got weird? Have you not seen Blue Velvet?
The number of stars this has is missing a few zeros on the end.
You’re trying to get me arrested for laughing at Jeff Sessions!
Oh dearie me. That’s close to the bone. 4 words of brilliance.
Oh boy, everybody go home, the internet has been won. (BEAUTIFUL. Truly.)
Jeff Sessions hates sniggers.
You make a good point about MJ! And I don’t think he was being literal when he said people would think OMG I can’t believe this, it must be a fantasy! More like emphasizing that very very few people have been so big and fallen so far (and lots of other stuff in between). I still think he’s right, perhaps with MJ…
But Amy never even reached the height of Whitney’s career, let alone became higher. Whitney was one of the biggest stars ever in her prime, one of the best-selling pop music artists of all time. She had 7 consecutive #1 hits on Billboard, she won Grammy after Grammy. And from the start it was clear that Amy was…
I’m waiting with you. I wonder if whoever thinks it’s an overstatement is old enough to recall, firsthand and vividly, what a MASSIVE star she was at her height, and the way her image was portrayed at that time. I remember, firsthand and vividly.
It may be a beautiful summer, but Prince would *hate* this.
I saw the ad. If it was me? I would have left the anti trans bigot at the bar by himself. I am not sitting down and smiling with a guy that thinks I shouldn’t exist. I don’t have to pander to some bigots feelings either.
YES that false equivalent shit. Drove me bananas after the election -- maybe we need to sit and listen to trump supporters, find out what they’re feeling and what they’re really angry about. BITCHES VOTED FOR A RACIST I THINK I KNOW WHAT THEY’RE FEELING JUST FINE.
I remember when Dana Reeves died of lung cancer and it seemed like the media changed her name to “Dana Reeves, non smoker”. Like she’s even more dead because she died of lung cancer and never smoked.
It’s like how when I told people my dad had lung cancer, the first question out of their mouths was always “Did he smoke?” If that makes a difference to you, like it’s ok if he was a smoker because he “brought it on himself,” then you can fuck right off out of my life.
You guys are probably too young to remember the “Chachi is a heartthrob years”, but even though he was a sex symbol, people really never related to him like they do other celebs. Random aside: he tried to start a trend by wearing a bandana tied around the thigh of his jeans all the time. It was so stupid.
I’m a compassionate person. I’m very heartbroken over her passing, especially since it was cancer.
Every tweet he blames the Dems for something he’s trying to majorly fuck with anyway. I want to scream. You’re the one that doesn’t want them to have Insurance! And you are trying to tear apart National Parks so you can drill and frack and shit. Ugh.
I think they’ve given that job to the new Geography teacher, Mr. Sessions…
I like how he’s blaming Democrats for blocking healthcare for miners. Blaming the same Dems who actually gave the miners their black lung benefits through Obamacare.