Bette YoSweetass!

Ok you all: I have a problem. I really have not been able to do anything else except surf the news since the election. Some people I know have decided to shut it out (one told me yesterday that the “news isnt gonna get better for four years” so I might as well tune out and save myself the heartache) but I can’t do it.

God, he is so desperate to be liked.

I would argue that all 3 of those women get called out/have gotten called out for their white privilege and racist comments all the time in a way that I don’t see Maher get called out by anyone. I would argue that it’s less a white liberal issue and more of a white liberal guy issue. It’s the same with Bernie, god

This really isn’t a subtle or difficult point and I’m not sure why it isn’t easier to make to someone like that’s face, succinctly, so that they have to answer it on live tv:

Bill Maher refuses to let anyone from BLM on his show but invites MY because he supports ‘free speech’. Bill Maher has been racist and sexist forever but no one blinks an eye or really cares cause he’s a ‘liberal’ white man.

The thing about Bill Maher that’s always killed me is how pissy he gets when the audience doesn’t laugh at his jokes. He always lashes out and accuses them of being too PC and liberal, but Louis CK and South Park are proof positive that liberals are more than happy to laugh at an off color joke so long as it’s

Much of that divide comes down to how much islamaphobia you can personally stomach. Maher is a militant atheist and expresses his disdain for Islam constantly. If that is not a deal breaker then I imagine you can be on board with the rest of it.

That’s a lot of writing, and yet no mention of how weird (or otherwise) it is to have Stephen Merchant playing a mutant in a Wolverine film. I need to know!

I’m looking forward to this movie. It’ll be nice to see some real consequences happen as a result of falling of a roof or out a window.

“I’m used to getting on at night, spending the night on the plane and then going to work. It’s quite civilized.

She strikes me as someone whom everything she does is calculated...but she seems likeable, if not plain. Sort of like a Latina Taylor Swift.

Yeah, I’m worried about my weeknd business too. Weirdly warm weather, no excuse not to clean out the gutters. Putting up that ladder two stories is scary and if I fall and die it’ll because I’ll be distracted thinking about how much I hate Donald Trump. Me and Selena, we both have precarious weeknd business.

Am I missing something?

I dropped my therapist after he recommended a book from the author of “The Secret”

Oprah is a mistake.

Dr. Oz gives him a run for his money, though. Not to mention Eckart Tolle or the lady who wrote The Secret, who had less staying power but were somehow even dumber. There are a lot of things to admire about Oprah, but her love of facile pseudo science is not one of them

I never said that, this blog is fake news.

I mean, I know he was tired and frustrated about being America’s sole voice of conscience (at least one into whom we tuned, en masse) and the pressure was getting to him intensively. But with Jon Stewart in the driving seat, anyone who believes in a Bowling Green Massacre would have been schooled without mercy. I

I think he would have gone a long way to shame the apathetic “they both suck” crowd who either voted 3rd party or not at all.

I say this tongue-in-cheek but also..... not?