Is anyone really surprised here? Seriously?
Is anyone really surprised here? Seriously?
Or he can Obama can make a buddy road trip movie. I don’t want this party to end.
I hope he sets up an A-Team style group of renegade do-gooders who comically thwart the cartoonishly evil GOP policies at every turn.
I think these memes spring from the undeniable ebullience and humanity of the man.
It sounds naive but it makes me feel the goodness and light in the world and things will ultimately be okay for all of us.
Ah, and your true colors show now. You were never raising a good faith objection.
Who cares? So he’s a competent doctor, but he has some very dangerous and, frankly, STUPID ideas. I’m so tired that “oh but he’s a doctor” or “he went Ivy League.” That doesn’t make him smarter than anyone and when he talks about evolution being the LITERAL work of the devil and the big bang theory being a fairy tale,…
Yep, this is why this election was such a big deal. This is best way to deal with them.
Brexit was the canary in the coal mine. What happened there has happened in the US and will happen in France when they elect Le Pen. There’s a wave of white nationalism right now and we seem powerless to stop it.
Why did it take a white woman on the ticket in order for so many white Democrats to register a fact that has been true for 50 years? I’m fucking serious. Instead of fussing over all those other white people who voted for Trump, maybe this is a good moment for self-reflection. If it surprises you that a majority of…
Harry Reid seems so milquetoast, and then when you least expected it he came out swinging.
God dammnit man
That made me cry.
The assholes that loudly mocked the idea of caring about anything suddenly care about political outcomes? What happened to both candidates being equally bad and nothing ever matters, guys? Congratulations, you assholes got your dearest wish, South Park. Hopefully Trump never sees a bad word from you about him that…