Bette YoSweetass!

See what happened there?

“Cher is an average talent”

YES!! He basically said “law and order because black people are criminals”

Cannot star this enough. He ignored a lot of the questions he was asked, in order to go off on particular rants, but this really went beyond that. Hearing people in the audience cheering was really troubling, too. It’s another example of how the media have fallen down on their jobs over the past number of years.

We knew but to think that he keeps trying to convince himself and others he’ll do well with minorities is baffling. I do have to say I’m concerned with those who are people of color who do support him and think he’d be great. I can’t believe people don’t respect themselves enough to see this douche for what he is, a

Now playing

“In this clip, Blige sings what seems to be a heartfelt lesson of safety protocol for black youth in dealing with police.”

To be fair, Hillary did this as well, just a hell of a lot more skillfully. She talked about working with police, etc.

Upon hearing this I wasn’t surprised that he’d give an idiotic answer like that but at the same time I was in awe at the level of stupidity. It sounded a lot like he was saying “Whites, I’ll make the streets safer for you by taking on this uproar from those who feel disenfranchised”.

I think one of the most telling things about Trump last night was when he was asked how he’d “restore racial harmony” his answer was literally “law and order.” In other words, he doesn’t give a shit about restoring racial harmony (not that this is a surprise, white nationalists are voting for him because of it). He

That’s so surprising, I didn’t even bother to check.

She needs to know!

Also, dismissing experts in the field and instead going with non-experts who validate your personal beliefs.

yes. our nation is WOEFULLY lacking in critical thinking skills.

It’s not only that, it’s that people don’t know how to critically evaluate the sources that they find. They think everything on the internet is true and if someone wrote something, it must be correct. Look at the damn source and THINK about it.

“I scoured everything I could possibly find about why vaccines might be harmful. I became pretty convinced.”

Well it’s a shame it took her whole family getting sick but it’s refreshing to hear an anti-vaxxer say “I was wrong, I was batshit, I’ve since researched and have changed my mind”.

I’m both impressed and shocked at the readiness with which you had this link.

seems to me she’s a young woman learning how to flex her sex appeal. same with kylie. nothing wrong with that. their lives, their choice.

Egor claims HE was the breadwinner between the two

Christ, Brad, if your best defense is “my wife spent too much time taking our children to visit refugees and enhancing their worldview,” then you must be further into the bottle than anyone originally guessed.