Bette YoSweetass!

No shit. I didn’t set foot outside my apartment from Monday until Friday last week, and I only went outside Friday because I knew I had some eyeshadow waiting for me in my mailbox downstairs. I regularly get home Friday evening and hole up until Monday morning when I have to go to work. It’s one of my favorite things

Why don’t you take a moment to think about this callous and irrelevant remark?

At the time of publication, yes. Believe me, I looked. I sure as hell wasn’t going to lead with the footage of him bleeding out; it obscures his face, and deprives him of personhood. Not to mention that it’s deeply triggering.

24 hours doesn’t seem like an alarmingly long time to stay inside. My neighbors would be calling the police on me during every Law & Order marathon

She shot him because she wasn’t “having cooperation” from him.

It’s very underrated!!!

I was talking about this album just last weekend, I think it’s pretty good and always have!

I want to drink wine and get stoned with her - she seems like the perfect “watch tv and hang out” friend.

Thank you for explaining the television

Leslie Jones is a goddamn treasure. “I just wanted to feel beautiful, y’all!”

Giuliana Ransic is still on tv? :/

Glad I won’t be at the Howard/Pak household/hotel room after the Emmy festivities are over.

I’m guessing the interior of such gowns looks like the architecture of a gothic church, complete with flying buttresses.

Yes!!!! I eat like that, too, Gilmores, but it’s why my doctor feels the need to discuss the weight loss programs available through my insurance every single time I go in. Yes, even that time I just needed some antibiotics for my ear infection.

I try not to let it bother me that Liz Lemon & Leslie Knope would probably clock in at a sold three bills in reality.

This illustration does not adequately convey the cramped size of Carrie’s apartment. I don’t watch Girls but these plans cannot be to the same scale.

And - it’s only for married mothers, not for single women!!

23 body sculpting tips that will have your dad drooling.

Ugh. It’s just amazing that a presidential fucking candidate could put out a policy so obviously poorly thought out. Not limiting it to maternity leave, and providing for leave for newly adoptive parents is common fucking sense for anyone who thinks about this for more than a minute. What Trump proposed is basically a

She really hid her Trumposity well for awhile, but no more.