Bette YoSweetass!

...or it was the store policy not to sell that many in one transaction and instead of explaining the reason why the clerk was an asshole about it. I had that happen to me and I had no idea that stores had policies like that. I was buying them for a lottery at work and finally the store’s manager came over and

“she was told she couldnt purchase 50 million Outback cards at once and then threw a fit and was told to leave.” Oh, is that what happened?

Oh Jesus, every time something racist happens some dipshit has to share their opinion.

You’re hired.

See, this is what corruption looks like. For real. Straight-up bribery and illegal donations and shit.

I do!

Gurl, I like how you think except Hiddles was already to old and too broke off for the role.

i am into this, but also idris is way too cool to be friends w her becky ass self.

Tom wanted the relationship to be more public than she was comfortable with.

I’m gonna need Heather Headley in the Whitney role and Leslie Odom, Jr. as Denzel. Pleeeeeeease make this happen, Tituss!

I’m really excited for this movie! This article highlights something I felt while watching the trailer though — it seemed like they were using the vocabulary of today's feminism to tell the story of people who wouldn't necessarily subscribe to its tenets. Regardless, excited to see some WOC helping launch spaceships

I mean, you basically don’t need to say anything else. That’s like Peak Douchebag, right there.

I love that people are still trying to go with the “I got hacked” approach. It was pretty laughable when that pastor tried to pass off his inflated resume as the work of a hacker last week, but this is just incredible.

All the top comments on this article are from “women” who have “veterans” for husbands, whose “husbands” support Kaepernick but the commenters themselves don’t understand.

Counterpoint: All of the alternate methods you mentioned do one of two things:

He absolutely could and should do all of things you’re suggesting - but look at the massive and ridiculous reaction he’s gotten with one small act. This is actually an effective protest, it’s gotten people talking, it’s made them mad and it’s making them uncomfortable.

I just feel like he has a platform that most don’t

“Oh, it’s our turn again? Glad you guys finally got here.” -basketball

Soccer represent.